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About Us

Gage combines marketing and technology to drive consumer and channel engagement. We create engagement ecosystems of e-learning, channel empowerment, loyalty and promotions for the world's leading and emerging brands. Our work is driven by strategic marketing content, smart data and technical platforms that drive results. While many marketing technology companies are great at installing technology, they don't have the expertise and experience to develop the marketing strategies and content that allow you to successfully leverage the technical tools. Complicated tools that aren't accepted or effectively used by your marketing organization, quickly become expensive missed opportunities. Gage excels in delivering efficient technical platforms that work and the marketing fuel to power your success. Channel elearning and professional development ensure your channel partners have the up-to-date knowledge they need to present and sell your products. Equip your channel with flexible training and seamless incentives that build knowledge and support for your products. It's not enough to just provide training it has to be relevant, consumable and impactful. Gage eLearning systems integrate gamification, incentives and multimedia to motivate participation. High quality, effective elearning no longer required a massive investment in resources and systems. User-friendly module creation, ability to manage multiple languages, measurement and responsive design for mobile or desktop help you power your channel with the content and training they need. Channel empowerment and loyalty. Create a more effective, measured and engaged channel marketing network. Provide the marketing tools, customized materials and support that your partners need while gaining greater control of your brand and market development funds. Marketing assets that are held at corporate, or distributed in the corporate format that can't be easily used by your channel, are wasted. Reinforce performance by combining incentives and promotions in an orchestrated manner to keep channel partners engaged and focused on your mutual objectives. Gage channel empowerment platforms provide one-stop access to the tools and resources they need to support their customers and services to grow your business by expanding theirs.

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